Friday, February 1, 2013

Huston Smith makes perhaps his most perceptive comment in the book Illustrated World's Religions on

Huston Smith makes perhaps his most perceptive comment in the book Illustrated World's Religions on page 19. We are looking for a genuine INSIGHT, not merely a creative way of stating the obvious.

The quote is a specific 12-word phrase - no more, no less - that in itself constitutes a complete sentence, even though it is part of a longer statement.

What is the belief that species do not change but are the same as when first created known as?

What is the belief that species do not change but are the same as when first created known as?
Fixity of species

The DNA base Adenine always pairs with which other DNA base?

Which of the following is an element of the scientific method?
all of these (hypothesis, observation, experimentation)

Who refined the existing system of classifying biological organisms into a binomial system?
Carolus Linnaeus

A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring is called
A species

According to biological anthropology, humans are primates and are the products of millions of years of evolution by natural selection.

Lamarck’s ideas are generally accepted by biologists today.

Who proposed that population size increases at faster rate than food supplies?
Thomas Malthus

The two basic types of cells are somatic cells and

Which of the following is not one of the subfields of Anthropology in the United States?

Culture is learned.

Transmit genetic information from parent to offspring

What does the term biocultural evolution refer to?
The interaction between biology and culture in human evolution

Human evolution
Is subject to the same forces that have acted upon other organisms

Which of the following nitrogeneous basis is not found in DNA?

The sex of a human child depends on:
The sperm carries an X or a Y chromosome

Archbishop James Ussher calculated the age of the Earth using __________.
the Old Testament of the Bible

Mitochondria have their own DNA separate from that within the cell’s nucleus.

What strategy is unique to humans develop that allows them to the natural enviornment?

Theories, such as Dalton's Atomic Theory or the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases have which of the following in common?

A sample is found to be slightly compressible and has a definite volume, but indefinite shape. The sample is most likely a

An example of a chemcial change is
burning gasoline

Boyle's Law is an example of
an indirect mathematical relationship between two variables (pressure and volume)

Choose the state of water in which the water molecules are farthest apart on average.
steam (vapor)

Theories, such as Dalton's Atomic Theory or the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases have which of the following in common?
both explain and predict observed phenomena

While an object is falling to the ground, its potential energy due to location is decreasing.

When elements combine to form compounds, those compounds have the properties that are completely different from those of the elements from which they were made.

Charles' Law states that the volume of a given amount of gas will increase if the temperature of the gas is increased.

The element potassium (K) is a good conductor of electricity and is malleable.

All gases have fairly low densities.

When milk goes "sour", only a physical change has occured.

The particles in a solid do not move at all.

The main focus of applied research is to gain greater understanding of how the natural world operates.

According to the law of conservation of energy, an object stays at constant speed as it falls.

If a microscopic field measures 1000 microns and 2 cells that are equal in length extend half way across the field,

The volume between two adjacent numbers on a 5 ml pipette is equal to how many milliliters?

Volumes in graduated cylinders and pipettes are always measured at what part of the meniscus?

The volume between two adjacent numbers on a 1 ml pipette is equal to how many milliliters?

Spirogyra is an example of a(an):

If a microscopic field measures 1000 microns and 2 cells that are equal in length extend half way across the field, what is the length of 1 cell in microns?

Paramecium is an example of a(an):
one-celled animal

In caring for a microscope, it is important to:
carry it with 2 hands

What item is used in this exercise to measure the microscopic field?
plastic ruler

If the objective lens has a magnification of 40x and the ocular lens 15x, the total magnification is equal to

What is another name for a human red blood cell?

The eyepiece on a microscope houses a
ocular lens

If the slope value is 0.2, how much change in the Y variable will there be for every unit increase in the X variable?

Inferential tests:
may apply to populations outside the study group

A regression line essentially represents:
an averaging of the Y data along the X axis.

Descriptive statistics:
analyzes data about a particular group of observations etc...

A population in statistical terms:
is any group of subjects

Deviation is:
the distance of any measurement from the mean

Research can be generally defined as
gathering and analyzing data with the intention of adding to current knowledge

In 2004, which countries had per capita emissions of carbon dioxide of less than one metric ton?

In 2004, which countries had per capita emissions of carbon dioxide of less than one metric ton?
Somalia and Kenya

Mediterranean agriculture is found in
eastern Spain, Italy and northern Egypt.

The Kyoto Protocol _______.
addresses global climate change

___________ are among the cities with the highest connection to New York City.
London and Singapore

During the Pleistocene, glaciers extend as far as _____________.
St. Louis and Seattle

Mortality risk from natural disaster is greatest in developed countries.

___________ describes a field of study that considers the roles of political economics, power, and history in shaping human environmental interactions.

Global warming began about 18,000 years ago and is a characteristic of the Holocene.

Urban sprawl is closely associated with rapid urban population growth.

Biologists estimate that there may be as many as ____ million types of organisms on Earth.

Which of the following is not one of the key “greenhouse” gasses?

Depletion of the ozone layer is caused by the release of __________ into the atmosphere.

The Food and Agricultural Organization at the United Nations released a study indicating that the rate of forest loss globally between 2000-2005 was lower than between 1990-2000.

Globalization networks link us with other people and places, and the flow of information technology is a daily way in which we are interlinked with the globe.

Highest rates of infant mortality are found in Central America region.

Buying a Native American styled dream catcher at a Wal-Mart store in Ohio is an example of
cultural appropriation.

In the musical example Shashmaqam: Sarakhbor-I Râst, the melody gradually develops in successive couplets

Which of the following was not part of the former Soviet Republic?

Select the term that best fills in the gap in the following statement:
__________, a genre of music from Kyrgyzstan, traditionally relies on instrumental programmatic music that tells stories. The performers bring these stories alive by providing a verbal synopsis prior to performing as well as making theatrical gestures while performing to bring the stories to life.

The first nomads who occupied Central Asia came from the northern grasslands of present day:

In the musical example Shashmaqam: Sarakhbor-I Râst, the melody gradually develops in successive couplets. Beginning with the ________, a long-necked lute, singers gradually come in, singing in long and short verses, grouped into a formulaic pattern that matches the rhythmic value.

The komuz is:
A three-stringed lute

The choor is
An end-blown flute made from reed or wood

Shashmaqam, defined as __________, is a genre of music that includes instrumental pieces, songs, poetry, and dance.
Six maqam

In the classical music of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, the performers of shashmaqam follow a system of meters known as:

The maqams, called ‘Buzruk,’ ‘Rast,’ ‘Nava,’ ‘Dugah,’ ‘Segah,’ and ‘Iraq’ take their names from classical Persian modes.

Select the term that best completes the following statement:
___________ performers stylize the poetic texts, drawn from Sufi symbolic texts from classical Islamic poets, into rhythms that are short and long.

Select the term that best completes the following statement:
The Armenian liturgy and its music comprise the Badarak (Mass), the _________ (hymns) sung at the services of the hours, and sharagan sung for the sacraments such as baptism, matrimony and funerals.

Unlike the Armenians, Georgians almost never sing in monophonic unison.

Geographically speaking, the Republic of Armenia is located _______ of Georgia.

The Armenian liturgy has substantially changed since 1177 A.D.

The chief musical expression of the Armenian Apostolic Church is the:
Divine Liturgy

The Northern Caucasus is the area of the Caucasus made up by Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

Soorp Badarak is:
One of the oldest rites in all of Christendom

Armenia adopted Christianity as its official religion in:

Polyphonic singing was already a mainstay of the Georgian Eastern Orthodox Divine Liturgy by the:
10th century

Georgians trace their lineage to the Apostle Andrew in the first century and became Christian in the fourth century.

In Indian music, tāla refers to metrical systems, as opposed to the melodic systems of rāga.

North Indian Music is also known as:
Hindustānī music