Saturday, July 6, 2013

A woman in her mid-seventies is extremely sexually active. Based on what is known about sexuality and older women

Stimulation of the___________has resulted in increased sexual activity in rats and feelings of sexual arousal in humans.

Oxytocin is produced by the

A low testosterone level in men would be most likely to have which of the following effects?
little interest in sexual activity

Which of the following statements regarding hormones in men and women is false?
The dominant estrogen in males and females is also called Depo-Provera.

Which of the following statements is true?
Women have less testosterone than men but are more sensitive to it than men are.

In men, the primary source of androgens is the______, while the______is (are) where the remaining androgens are produced.
testes; adrenal glands

Substances known to inhibit sexual behavior are called

Which of the following biological factors play the most important role in male sexual motivation?

Estrogen therapy in women
has sometimes been found to increase sexual desire and sometimes to have no effect.

Which of the following is the best example of vasocongestion?
erection of the penis

Which of the following best summarizes the role of oxytocin in both male and female sexual behavior?
It is secreted during cuddling and physical intimacy and increases the skin's sensitivity to touch.

A woman in her mid-seventies is extremely sexually active. Based on what is known about sexuality and older women, which of the following inferences could most likely be made?
The woman has probably been sexually active on a regular basis for many years.

Human sexual arousal and response
is probably determined by both psychosocial factors and biological factors.

Nicotine slows sexual motivation and function by
constricting the blood vessels and decreasing testosterone in the blood.

One of the problems in using drugs such as Depo-Provera to treat sex offenders is that
many sexual assaults occur as the result of nonsexual motives.

The effect of castration on sexual desire and erotic functioning in men is
highly variable, ranging from complete cessation of sexual activity to only moderately reduced levels of erotic arousal and expression.

Of the main senses, ______tends to predominate during sexual sharing.

Which of the following statements concerning the Grafenberg spot is true?
When this area is stimulated, some women ejaculate a fluid that is chemically similar to male prostate secretions.

Which of the following has demonstrated aphrodisiac properties in rats and to some extent in humans?
yohimbine hydrochloride

Both the______and______produce androgens in the female body.
ovaries; adrenal glands

The correct order of Masters and Johnson's model is
excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution.

Which of the following is most influential in sexual motivation in both men and women?
unattached (free) testosterone

______is the engorgement with blood of body tissues that respond to sexual excitation.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Britta assumes that her new boyfriend will be able to fix her broken car, because she believes men are more mechanically inclined than women

Surgical procedures for persons requesting sex reassignment are
most effective for men wishing to be women.

Most religious organizations in the United States emphasize
male dominance.

"Gender role" refers to
attitudes and behaviors considered appropriate in a specific society for people of a particular sex.

Two aspects of our biological sex are
genetic sex and anatomical sex.

The clitoris of the female is homologous to the______of the male.
glans of the penis

Britta assumes that her new boyfriend will be able to fix her broken car, because she believes men are more mechanically inclined than women. Britta’s behavior reflects
gender stereotypes.

The______are part of the endocrine system.

Roberto meets his female neighbor, and based on her sex, makes predictions about her behavior. He is
making gender assumptions.

The sex chromosomes for males are______and those for females are______.

Studies of television programming have demonstrated that
women are valued primarily for physical appearance.

When his older sister teases him, nine-year-old Tyrone does not cry because he has learned that boys are not supposed to cry. This exemplifies the concept of
gender roles

Which of the following statements is true?
Genetic sex is determined by our sex chromosomes.

Which one of the following is false with respect to genetics and development?
No triggers are necessary for a fetus to develop into an anatomically normal female.

______influence the development of female physical sex characteristics and help regulate the menstrual cycle.

At the first level of sexual differentiation, ______determine our biological sex.

Sex chromosomes determine our
genetic sex.

When asked whether she is a boy or a girl, three-year-old Marga enthusiastically states "I'm a girl!" Marga's response indicates that she has a clearly formed
gender identity.

The______plays a major role in controlling the production of sex hormones.

Another term for transsexualism is
gender dysphoria.

The assumption that a man would work to support his family while his wife would stay home to care for their children would be an example of
gender role expectations.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The response that occurs when the testicles move closer to the body as a result of sexual stimulation is called

Cold temperatures or sexual stimulation may cause it to move closer to the body.

In order for the penis to become erect, which of the following must occur?
blood must accumulate in the cylinders of the penis

All of the following are found in the scrotal sac except
Cowper's glands.

The second leading cause of cancer death among men in the United States is
prostate cancer.

All of the following are risk factors associated with prostate cancer except
being Asian American.

A cheesy substance known as______can accumulate under the prepuce of the penis, causing discomfort and possible infection.

Which of the following statements concerning penis size is true?
Smaller flaccid penises tend to expand proportionately more in size during erection than ones that are larger when flaccid.

Which one is NOT true concerning castration?
It is a Jewish religious rite of passage.

Castration has been performed in recent decades for all of the following reasons except
as a supposed "cure" for masturbation.

A condition known as______exists when a man has an extremely tight foreskin.

______takes place within the seminiferous tubules.
Sperm production
The spermatic cord contains the
vas deferens.

The response that occurs when the testicles move closer to the body as a result of sexual stimulation is called
the cremasteric reflex.

During the______phase of ejaculation, a man will usually experience the "point of no return".

Uncircumcised men are at a slightly higher risk for developing______than circumcised men.
penile cancer

Occasionally a male will experience orgasm without direct genital stimulation. The most familiar of these occurrences is called
nocturnal emission.

The______is located at the base of the bladder and secretes about 30 percent of the seminal fluid released during ejaculation.
prostate gland

Prostate cancer
may lack obvious symptoms in the early stages.

The vas deferens
is the tube that is severed in a vasectomy.

Which of the following statements concerning seminal fluid is true?
The amount of fluid is influenced by the length of time since the last orgasm.
The______of the penis can be retracted, and circumcision involves the permanent removal of this sleeve of skin.

The route that the testes take as they move from the abdomen to the scrotum is called the
inguinal canal.

The Cowper's glands secrete a fluid when a man becomes sexually aroused
that may contain active sperm.

For which of the following conditions would regular genital self-examination be most beneficial?
testicular cancer

The condition whereby one or both testicles fail to descend is called

The penis consists primarily of
spongy tissue.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A woman's partner caresses her labia majora. The woman would most likely experience

The "Mound of Venus" refers to
the fatty tissue covering the pubic bone.

"Hot flashes"
are the result of rapid dilation of blood vessels.

Rugae refer to
the folded walls of the vagina.

The labia majora
surround the labia minora.

An imperforate hymen
causes the menstrual flow to collect in the vagina.

The inner lining of the uterus is the

Vulva refers to
the female external genital structures.

Which statement about breasts is true?
The glandular tissue in the breasts responds to sex hormones.

A woman's partner caresses her labia majora. The woman would most likely experience
sensual pleasure.

The_______is composed of the external shaft and glans and the internal crura.

______is the medical specialty for female sexual and reproductive anatomy.

The fringe-like projections at the end of each fallopian tube are called

_______is the most common way women achieve arousal and orgasm when masturbating.
Clitoral stimulation

The opening of the vagina is referred to as the

The cavernous bodies, or spongy structures are located in the
shaft of the clitoris.

The Grafenberg spot
may trigger ejaculation in some women when stimulated.

The uterus
is suspended in the pelvic cavity by ligaments.

The vulva includes all of the following except

can increase susceptibility to infections if done too frequently.

The labia minora join at the

The hymen
may serve to protect vaginal tissues early in life.

Which of the following would be most beneficial in facilitating genital hygiene?
washing the vulva regularly with a mild soap

Which of the following statements regarding the mons veneris is false?
Due to the absence of nerve endings, it is relatively insensitive to touch.

_______refers to the blood engorgement that occurs during sexual arousal.

The introitus is located
between the urinary opening and the anus.

The reason some breasts are larger than others is primarily a result of
larger amounts of fatty tissue.

Which of the following would NOT be recommended to enhance vaginal lubrication?

Breasts are
secondary sex characteristics.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A science writer hears of a 35 year old male who lost his penis at circumcision. He interviews all family members, reads medical records

Most of our scientific information about human sexuality has been obtained by

A major advantage of the experimental method is
control over variables that influence the behavior being studied.

Which of the following statements regarding Kinsey's research is false?
All of the respondents were married and age 30 or older.

The survey method
can be done with the use of technology such as computers.

The fact that the majority of participants in sex research have been white, middle-class volunteers illustrates the problem of
demographic bias.

If you wanted information on how men and women respond physiologically during sexual arousal and orgasm, your best source of information would be
Masters and Johnson.

Which one is most true?
In spite of the vast amount of knowledge sexologists have learned, many questions about human sexual behavior remain unanswered.

Kinsey and his associates obtained their data by means of
survey interviews.

One advantage of the case study method is that
in-depth, highly subjective information about the subjects can be obtained.

A science writer hears of a 35 year old male who lost his penis at circumcision. He interviews all family members, reads medical records, and writes a book about this. This is most likely an example of which of the following?
the case study

One of the problems with sex survey research is______, or the refusal to participate in a study.

Which research method would be most appropriate for investigating the relationship between the religious beliefs of Americans and their attitudes toward sex education in the schools?
the survey

Which of the following is an advantage of using interviews instead of questionnaires?
They provide opportunities for flexibility.

Kinsey's studies on American sexuality were pioneering but limited, because his sample included
a disproportionate number of better educated persons.

Surveys administered over the Internet may be especially useful because
participants can be recruited from distant places.

Which of the following statements regarding case studies is false?
Masters and Johnson's research is an example of the case study method.

Which of the following stimulus situations was NOT used in Masters and Johnson's research?
oral-genital stimulation

In which type of research is a representative sample of people asked to answer questions about their sexual attitudes or behaviors?

A vaginal photoplethysmograph
measures increased vaginal lubrication.

The penile strain gauge and the vaginal photoplethysmograph both measure
blood flow/volume to the genitals.

Which of the following statements regarding Masters and Johnson's research is true?
Their final sample population consisted primarily of individuals with above average intelligence from an academic community.

Bob Crooks is currently involved in the implementation of an HIV/AIDS education project in Kenya. Which research method is he using to measure the impact of this education program?

The case study is a research method in which
individuals are studied in great detail.

______conducted the first extensive survey of American sexual behaviors.

The book Human Sexual Response was written by
Masters and Johnson.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the effects of the sex-for-procreation legacy as opposed to rigid gender-role conditioning?

Most contemporary married Chinese women believe that sex is
a service to their husbands.

The writings of Augustine and Aquinas
emphasized sex for procreation.

The sex for procreation legacy is most clearly shown in which of the following statements?
Midori thinks she is still a virgin because she has not yet had intercourse, although she has engaged in oral sex and mutual masturbation.

Witch hunts were the partial result of
the portrayal of Eve as an evil temptress.

The world's fastest growing religion is

Which of the following persons is NOT associated with the view that sex is sinful?
Havelock Ellis

According to the authors of the text, which of the following governs human sexuality to a greater degree?
social conditioning and psychological factors

Which one is NOT an accurate statement of the views of those within the Christian religion?
The Puritans disapproved of sexual activity even in marriage.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the effects of the sex-for-procreation legacy as opposed to rigid gender-role conditioning?
A woman is orgasmic only during oral sex, and this is upsetting to her partner who wants her to be orgasmic during intercourse.

The opposing images of women as the virgin Madonna and evil temptress Eve originated during  
the Middle Ages.

During the Protestant Reformation
the concept of sex for procreation was challenged.

Foreplay includes all of the following except
penile-vaginal intercourse.

Which of the following individuals was a writer during the Protestant Reformation who recognized that marital sex was acceptable for reasons besides procreation?
John Calvin

A comparison of the sexual views of religions and cultures from around the world would suggest which of the following?
There are great differences with some religions and cultures suggesting sexual activity to promote spiritual growth.

This person saw celibacy as superior to marriage.
Paul of Tarsus

When discussing males and females
the text uses the term "other sex" because the sexes are more alike than different.

In which culture is female sexual desire perceived to be many times greater then that of the male?
Islamic Middle East

The cultural theme of sex-for-procreation  
may devalue sexual behaviors other than intercourse.

The constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote in the United States was passed in what year?
1920, after the first World War

A man who feels his sex life has ended because he is no longer able to get an erection is a victim of
the sex-for-procreation legacy.

A psychosocial orientation reflects a concern with_____
psychological and social

During the Victorian era
the majority of women experienced both sexual desire and orgasm.

Whose pioneering studies after World War n helped lead to a greater acceptance of a variety of sexual behaviors?

With respect to sexuality, China
adolescents and young adults are less sexually active than young adults in the United States.

If you were a person born in ancient China, you would be
encouraged to participate in a range of sexual activities within marriage for spiritual growth as well as pleasure.

Which of the following best describes Victorian attitudes toward morality?
hypocritical and repressive