Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Classical composers’ interest in expressing shades of emotion led to the widespread use of gradual dynamic changes (crescendos and decrescendos).

The Classic period roughly encompassed the years:

A term used by European intellectuals to show they were fully free from the restrictions of the Middle Ages. : Age of Enlightenment

Which of the following composers is not considered a master of the classical period?
J. S. Bach

The new “classical” style was essentially homophonic rather than polyphonic.

The center of music moved from Venice in the Baroque to what city in the Classic period?

Classical composers’ interest in expressing shades of emotion led to the widespread use of gradual dynamic changes (crescendos and decrescendos).

Joseph Haydn was content to spend most of his life working for who?

Sonata form consists of three main sections: exposition, development, and

The typical orchestra of the period consisted of:
Strings, pairs of woodwinds, horns, trumpets, and percussion

In the early years of the Classical period, the German city of Mannheim was the most important center for symphonic composition and performance.

The usual order of movements in a classical symphony are:
Fast, slow, dance-related, fast

Which of the following statements is not true in regard to Mozart?
He was wealthy and loved by his fellow composers

Which of the following statements is not true in regard to Haydn?
He was a freelance musician

Which of the following statements is not true in regard to Beethoven?
He was born deaf

Who composed the following listening example?
Quiz 3, Example 1.mp3

Who composed the following listening example?
Quiz 3, Example 2.mp3

Who composed the following listening example?
Quiz 3, Example 3.mp3

Who composed Le nozze di Figaro?

Who composed Symphony No. 3 “Eroica”?

Who composed Sonata Pathetique?

Who composed Trumpet Concerto in E-flat?

Who does the term “bourgeoisie” refer to?
Middle Class

The word for symphony comes from the Italian word for overture called the:

Which term describes themes fragmented into small melodic or rhythmic pieces?

The classical sonata is a multi-movement work of one of two schemes, either of which has or movements.
3 or 4

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