Wednesday, May 1, 2013

All popular social networking sites have privacy policies but you still need to follow certain precautions when using their sites.

A ________ allows visitors to add, remove, or edit its content.

A(n) ________ is installed on your computer, and when the program is opened, your e-mail is downloaded to your computer.
e-mail client

Podcasts enable you to ________.
deliver audio/video files via RSS

Silverlight, Flash Player, and QuickTime Player are examples of software programs called ________.

The unique address for a particular website is the ________.

Using the browser feature tab isolation, you can drag an open tab away from its current window and open it in a new window.

All popular social networking sites have privacy policies but you still need to follow certain precautions when using their sites.

The Internet was developed to ensure faster delivery of communications such as mail.

When shopping on the web, it is better to pay for your purchase with a debit card rather than a credit card.

A universal chat client allows you to chat with users who use a different IM service than you use.

A(n) ________ is a navigation aid that shows the path you have taken to get to a web page or where the page is located within the website.
breadcrumb trail

Which of the following is NOT a precaution to take when shopping online?
Pay with a debit card, not a credit card.

The web is based on the ________ Protocol.
Hypertext Transfer

Which of the following are personal video journal entries posted on the web?

Which of the following top-level domains identifies a degree-granting institution?

The World Wide Web was based on a protocol developed by ________.
Tim Berners-Lee

Which of the following is NOT a feature of the most popular web browsers?
Tacked browsing

A browser's bookmark feature makes it easy to return to a specific web page.

A metasearch engine searches other search engines.

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