Wednesday, May 1, 2013

All of the following are types of multimedia and entertainment software EXCEPT

OpenOffice is an example of open source software.

Using your mobile devices to make purchases is more risky than making purchases with your computer on the web.

Adobe Photoshop is a drawing software application used by graphic artists.

Web-based word processing applications are as fully featured as installed versions.

All of the following are types of multimedia and entertainment software EXCEPT ________.
productivity software

Software designed for real estate agents is an example of ________ software.
vertical market

The intersection of a row and column in a spreadsheet program is known as a ________.

Web-based application software is software that ________.
is stored completely on a web server instead of your hard drive

Apache OpenOffice is an example of a(n) ________ productivity suite.
open source

Blackboard is an example of ________ software.
course management

The appropriate software to use for creating research papers is ________ software.
word processing

All of the following are examples of software suites EXCEPT ________.
Microsoft OneNote

Which of the following is the most common audio compression format?

Using applications on smartphones and tablets to buy and sell products is known as ________ commerce.

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