Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Current research suggests that the average employee today will change jobs 10 times in 20 years.

1. Flat World Knowledge was started by two textbook publishing industry veterans.

2. Flat World Knowledge is improving on the traditional publishing model but is not innovating much.

3. So far, Flat World Knowledge is a start up without any external funding.

4. Most successful CEOs believe, “A company is only as good as the innovation it creates.”

5. Current research suggests that the average employee today will change jobs 10 times in 20 years.

6. Organizational behavior is the systematic study and application of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the organizations where they work.

7. Emile is seated in a lecture where the instructor is discussing personality. He is most likely in a sociology class.

8. The study of organizational behavior analyzes the three levels of individual, organization, and society.

9. If I am examining how my manager’s behavior influences my work group, I am looking at the organizational level of analysis in the organizational behavior discipline.

10. Organizational behavior matters at three critical levels because it analyzes what you care about, what employers care about, and what organizations care about.

11. Successful organizations tend to limit the amount of information shared by maintaining a centralized structure.

12. Research shows that those organizations that are more effective limit the amount of feedback they provide employees, limit the amount of information shared, and allow roles to be ambiguous.

13. Those firms that are categorized as successful tend to provide employment security, train employees, and reduce status differences.

14. Financially there is little incentive to attain a higher level degree.

15. The unemployment rate decreases as the level of education attained increases.

16. In general, the more training you have, the more financial success you will achieve.

17. Journaling is a technique that helps you chart your progress as you learn new skills.

18. The discipline of organizational behavior is simply common sense.

19. Michael is an auditory learner. He learns best by actually doing things and learning from trial and error.

20. A kinesthetic learner is very likely to avoid taking once a week classes as they require too much sitting and listening time.

21. Close-ended survey questions can be very time consuming to summarize and very hard to interpret.

22. Glen is interested in finding out how effective a new incentive program might be in an organization. He chooses two departments to focus upon in a company. One department works under the incentive program, one does not. This is an experimental design study.

23. Case studies suffer from questions as to whether the results of one organization are generalizable to other situations and organizations.

24. Meta-analysis shows that the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is moderately strong.

25. Reliability refers to consistency of measurement, while validity assesses whether the measurement does, indeed, measure what it is supposed to measure.

26. Most of management research addresses causation.

27. The federal government passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as a long-term solution to dealing with unethical behavior.

28. Employee engagement has a significant impact on the corporate bottom line.

29. Research by Gallup indicates that only 20% of employees are disengaged from their organization.

30. Moore’s Law suggests that computing power doubles every two years.

31. Because of information overload, some organizations, like Intel, have introduced “No e-mail Fridays” as a way to address the issue.

32. Access to information has led to an increase in innovation and a “flattening of the world.”

33. The triple bottom line refers to evaluating organizations against the three performance criteria of social viability, economic viability, and demographic viability.

34. One of the major challenges facing organizations today is how to reconcile the accountability publicly owned firms have in generating wealth for shareholders while attending to the triple bottom line.

35. In general terms, the American workforce is growing younger.

36. Outsourcing is becoming an increasingly common practice in many organizations.

37. A “shamrock organization” is comprised of one-third regular employees, one-third temporary employees, and one-third consultants and contractors.

38. Offshoring and the development of a shamrock organization structure challenges organizational behavior to manage teams made up of employees of different nationalities separated by culture, language, time and space.

39. The Millennial Generation has technology embedded in their lives so organizational behavior has the challenge of managing people of different generations who have different values with regard to teamwork, rewards, and work-life balance.

40. Organizational behavior provides organizations the tools to address the technological, societal, and cultural issues arising today to create an environment that is mutually beneficial to the firm and its employees.

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