Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Which of the following factors explains the high voter turnout in national elections during the last three decades of the nineteenth century?

Which of the following developments was a key factor in the rise of the Gilded Age?
The growth of industrialism in the United States

To what did the term solid South refer in the decades after Reconstruction?
The states of the old Confederacy, which voted Democratic in every election for the next seventy years

The turn of the twentieth century saw individual entrepreneurship in the United States yield to 
finance capitalism

Which of the following describes the Gilded Age?
An era marked by personal greed and a corrupt partnership between business and politics

Which group of Republicans fiercely supported the patronage system?

Which of the following factors explains the high voter turnout in national elections during the last three decades of the nineteenth century?
Voting was an important way to get a government job

Which of the following was true of Standard Oil in the 1890s?
It controlled more than 90 percent of the oil business

According to American businessmen who subscribed to the economic theory of laissez-faire, what was the role of the government in the economy?
It should not interfere in economic affairs except to protect private property

Which of the following factors boosted nineteenth-century railroad construction in America significantly?
Monetary aid and land grants from federal and state governments

According to Ida B. Wells, lynching was a problem rooted in
economics and the shifting social structure of the South

Which group enthusiastically supported the tariff in the nineteenth century?

What was evident in the call for a New South in the decades after Reconstruction?
The desire among some southerners to shift to an industrial economy

What was the purpose of vertical integration, which was pioneered by Andrew Carnegie in the late nineteenth century?
It placed all aspects of the business, from mining raw materials to marketing and transporting finished products, under the control of the chief operating officer

What did the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act have in common?
Both testified to the nation's growing willingness to use federal measures to intervene in big business on behalf of the public interest

How effective was the Interstate Commerce Commission, the nation's first federal regulatory agency?
It was so weak in its early years that it served as little more than a historical precedent

The presidents who served in the last part of the nineteenth century—Rutherford B. Hayes through William McKinley—
were overshadowed by party politics at state and local levels

What idea was promoted by the theory of social Darwinism in the late nineteenth century?
Progress is the result of competition where the strong survived and the weak died out

In her History of the Standard Oil Company published in McClure's Magazine, Ida M. Tarbell characterized John D. Rockefeller as
a man who had used illegal methods to take over the oil industry

The tariff posed a threat to America's prosperity in the 1880s because
it created a surplus that was not used to produce goods and services

How did American women respond to the denial of their right to vote in the late nineteenth century?
They participated in the political process though the antilynching, suffrage, and temperance movements

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