Monday, September 9, 2013

After 1803, New Orleans and the Lower Louisiana Territory continued to have a French flavor because Louisiana in 1808

After 1803, New Orleans and the Lower Louisiana Territory continued to have a French flavor because 
Louisiana in 1808 adopted a legal code based on French civil law.

The Missouri Compromise 
Allowed the South to protect its interests in the Senate.

The four major routes west 
Kept the regional cultures largely separated and distinct.

Among the products imported into the United States from China were 
Teas and silks.

The case of Marbury v. Madison was important because 
It established the principle of judicial review.

The Panic of 1819 
Produced resentments that Andrew Jackson later took advantage of.

Monroe's adoption of the American System in 1816 shows that 
Both parties had accepted the idea that the government should promote economic growth.

The battle of Tippecanoe 
Made William Henry Harrison a hero to white Americans.

Jefferson's Indian policy 
Was a well-intentioned but destructive offer to acculturate or remove.

Jefferson's inauguration was important in American history because 
It marked the peaceful change of power from one political party to another

When the Second Bank of the United States was chartered, it showed that 
Commercial interests had become much stronger.

Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States partly because 
His army in Haiti had been defeated.

The "flower of American shipbuilding" was the 
Clipper ship.

Jefferson explained buying the Louisiana Territory by arguing that 
The land would ensure the existence of the republic and liberty.

The major migration routes westward show that 
Each section of the country had its own route to the West.

The war against the southern Indian peoples during the War of 1812 
Ended in the loss of over half the Creeks' lands.

The Embargo Act 
Was an extreme effort that hurt the Americans more than the Europeans.

The revolution to free Mexico from Spain 
Began with the populist revolt of Father Hidalgo in 1810.

Rejected treaties because all land belonged to all Indian peoples and no one could give away the common property of all.

The American attacks on Canada during the war of 1812 

Failed in part because New England refused to support the war effort.

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