Sunday, September 8, 2013

During the 1790s, the United States began to develop a more democratic political culture as shown by

The map of the areas settled between 1770 and 1790 shows
A major settlement in Kentucky separated from others.

Hamilton's fiscal program of 1790 included all of the following EXCEPT
Having the federal government pay only the market value of securities held by Americans.

Washington's cabinet all agreed that the United States should remain neutral in the war between France and Britain because
The United States, as a neutral, could trade with both sides and reap huge profits.

The map of the distribution of the vote on ratification of the Constitution shows that those in favor
Lived along the coast in areas of commercial activity.

The Intercourse Act of 1790 did all of the following EXCEPT
Stop the white traders from cheating Indians and offering shoddy goods.

The Federalist-controlled Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts because
Federalists argued political opposition to the administration was treason.

All of the following are true of the American foreign policy debate in the 1790s EXCEPT
Jefferson wanted to declare the Franco-American treaty of 1779 in force.

Those who proposed the Philadelphia Convention of 1787
Violated the terms under which the convention met.

During the 1790s, the United States began to develop a more democratic political culture as shown by
Four states dropping the property qualifications to vote.

Hamilton and Madison began to disagree politically over
Whether to divide the debt payment.

On the issue of slavery, the Constitution in 1787
Effectively guaranteed the continued existence of slavery.

In an important Federalist essay, Madison
Argued for "larger states" so that innumerable interest groups would balance each other.

Hamilton's fiscal program
Gave wealthy Americans an interest in the government's success.

In reaction to the Alien and Sedition Acts, the Jeffersonian Republicans did all of the following EXCEPT 
Oppose the Federalist measures for the Quasi-War.

The Bill of Rights primarily protects 
The individual from the government and the majority.

By retaining the northwest posts around the Great Lakes, the British hoped to continue the fur trade and
Establish an Indian zone preventing American expansion.

The map of the electoral vote of 1800 shows that
The key to victory was combining New York with the South and West.

Mason Weems's biography of George Washington is an example of
How nineteenth-century historians often romanticized the past.

The Virginia Plan included all of the following points EXCEPT 
A chief executive elected by state legislators.

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