Sunday, September 15, 2013

The most famous of the filibusters who invaded Nicaragua in 1855 to extend slave territory for Americans was

When the Southern states began to secede,
Southerners were divided along up-country, low-country lines.

The Panic of 1857
Convinced the South that its system was superior.

Nativism in the 1850s refers to the fear and hatred of

"Bleeding Kansas"
Showed how violent sectional feelings could become.

The Know-Nothings
Claimed ignorance about their beliefs.

The most famous of the filibusters who invaded Nicaragua in 1855 to extend slave territory for Americans was
William Walker

The Kansas-Nebraska Act
Created an irreconcible split in the Whig party

The election of 1856
Was actually two elections one in the North and one in the South.

The election of 1852 was important because
The disagreement at the conventions showed the national parties were growing weaker.

Lincoln's Inaugural Address shows that
He did not want to go to war but would if necessary.

The constitution of the Confederate States of America
Suggests the South seceded primarily to protect slavery.

The application of the doctrine of popular sovereignty in Kansas
Initially produced two territorial governments and a bogus pro-slavery constitution.

In the election of 1860
The only national candidate was Stephen A. Douglas.

In the Lincoln-Douglas debates
Douglas accused Lincoln of favoring social equality for blacks although he did not.

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry did all of the following EXCEPT
Inspire multiple acts of slave defiance across the South.

The most famous case of failed resistance in Boston to the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law involved
Anthony Burns.

Stephen A. Douglas's main goal in proposing the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Was to allow the issue of slavery to be determined by popular sovereignty.

The Dred Scott decision did all of the following EXCEPT
Declare that while blacks could bring cases to court, slaves were property.

In the 1850s, the belief that there was a Southern slave owner conspiracy to make the whole United States a slave country spread among Northerners because
The South was so defensive it demanded equality in the Senate and a veto over presidential candidates.

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