Saturday, November 16, 2019

A user account that allows you to set up one Windows 8 computer and then synchronize all the same settings from that computer

A user account that allows you to set up one Windows 8 computer and then synchronize all the same settings from that computer to any other device you have that uses Windows 8.
Microsoft account

A bar that displays on the bottom or right side of a window when the contents of a window are not completely visible; used to move the window up, down, left, or right to bring the contents into view.

A set of instructions that a computer uses to accomplish a task is called:
an application

A temporary storage area for information that you have copied or moved from one place and plan to use somewhere else is the:

A small window that displays options for completing a task is a:
dialog box

An area of storage that is formatted with a file system compatible with your operating system and is identified by a drive letter is a:

Small images that represent commands, files, applications, or other windows are:

A collection of items, such as files and folders, assembled from various locations is a:

The area at the top of a folder window in File Explorer that groups common tasks on related tabs is the:

A Microsoft technology that enables employees in an organization to access information across organizational and geographic boundaries is:

Turning off your computer in a manner that closes all open programs and files, closes your network connections, stops the hard disk, and discontinues the use of electrical power is called:
shut down

Turning off your computer in a manner that automatically saves your work, stops the fan, and uses a small amount of electrical power to maintain your work in memory is called:

The first screen that displays after signing in to a Windows 8 device and that displays square and rectangular boxes—referred to as tiles—is the:
Start screen

The area of the desktop that contains program buttons, and buttons for all open programs is the:

Square and rectangular boxes on the Windows 8 Start screen from which one can access apps, web sites, programs, and tools for using the computer by simply clicking or tapping them are:

Software with which you display webpages and navigate the Internet is called:
a web browser

The action of pressing the left mouse button is called:

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