What allowed the United States to emerge from World War II as the most powerful nation in the world?
It had both a monopoly on atomic weapons and expanded production capacity.
The founding of the American G.I. Forum in 1948 and subsequent efforts by Mexican Americans to challenge their segregation in public schools demonstrated
the growing mobilization of Mexican Americans in the Southwest.
How did women fare in the post–World War II economy?
Their earnings saw significant decline.
Which of the following describes labor strikes in the United States in 1946?
They increased public exasperation with and hostility toward unions.
Joseph Stalin believed that U.S. foreign policy after World War II was hypocritical because the United States
was demanding democratic elections in Eastern Europe but supporting friendly dictatorships in Latin America.
Why did the Allies divide Germany in 1946?
They could not agree on the country's future.
Passed despite Truman's veto in 1947, the Taft-Hartley Act
was a huge blow to American labor.
Why was the Central Intelligence Agency established?
To gather information relevant to the national defense and to perform any functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security
Why did President Truman approve the development of a hydrogen bomb in 1949?
The United States had confirmed that the Soviets had detonated an atomic bomb.
The Double V campaign called for both victory in the war and victory for
African Americans fighting racial prejudice at home.
What explained the reluctance of the United States to accept Jewish refugees from Nazi oppression?
The United States dropped a second atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki only three days after the attack on Hiroshima
because the first bomb did not lead to a Japanese surrender to the United States.
Why did American scientists begin to develop a superbomb in 1942?
They didn't want the Germans to develop one first.
The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, was part of the Japanese plan to
knock out a significant portion of American naval bases in the Pacific.
Why was the capture of Okinawa in 1944 especially crucial to Allied forces?
The Allies planned to make it the launching site for an attack on the Japanese mainland.
What was the immediate consequence of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941?
Congress endorsed President Roosevelt's call for a declaration of war.
How did the U.S. government respond to the Spanish Civil War?
It offered no help to the Loyalists, despite sympathy for their cause.
What was the conclusion of the Nye committee's 1933 report on World War I?
The greed of American munitions makers, bankers, and financiers was responsible for the nation's entry into World War I.
What was the goal of Roosevelt's “good neighbor” policy?
To form a less belligerent, more cooperative relationship with Latin America
Which group was forced to train in segregated camps, live in segregated barracks, and serve in segregated units during World War II?
African Americans
How did President Roosevelt respond to A. Philip Randolph's plans to organize a march of 100,000 on Washington, D.C., in 1941?
He authorized the Committee on Fair Employment Practices.
Why did President Roosevelt authorize the roundup and internment of all Americans of Japanese descent in 1942?
A large number of people believed that Japanese Americans were potential sources of espionage and subversion.
How did American military casualties in Europe in World War II compare to Soviet military casualties?
The United States had about 136,000 casualties and the Soviets had about 9 million.
How many American women saw combat duty during World War II?
Which of the following describes the majority of American women who entered the labor force during World War II?
They were not married.
By the summer of 1942, the Japanese had conquered which of the following?
Dutch East Indies
A reluctant isolationist, President Roosevelt believed during the 1930s that
free trade was necessary for America's domestic prosperity.
Who succeeded President Roosevelt in the White House after his death on April 12, 1945?
Harry Truman
How did American labor unions respond to the production demands of World War II?
They granted the government's request that they pledge not to strike.
Why did the United States fail to act on reports of Hitler's genocidal atrocities?
The American public and its officials believed the reports were exaggerated.
What occurrence made April 30, 1945, a turning point in the war?
Adolf Hitler killed himself in his underground bunker.
What factors made it possible for dictators to gain and maintain power in Nicaragua and Cuba after the implementation of the good neighbor policy?
They had private support from U.S. businessmen and tacit support from the Roosevelt administration.
Which of the following statements describes the relationship between American ethnic minorities and the armed forces during World War II?
They fought in large numbers in the armed forces despite discriminatory treatment.
Which of the following occurred as a result of the Nazi-Soviet treaty of nonaggression in August 1939?
Hitler's invasion of Poland
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