Friday, November 15, 2019

Indian farming communities were different from European societies because among Indians

The development of farming may not be revolutionary for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
It took place over a short period of time.

The Anasazis' most prominent center was at
Chaco Canyon.

Farming and sedentary living led to
More knowledge as a class of experts developed calendars and mathematics.

The urban centers of the Mississippian culture
Collapsed as a result of climate change and increased warfare.

The Iroquois
Traced their descent through the mothers who chose the leaders.

The Indian peoples who settled the Americas
Moved south from Beringia by land and sea.

Indian farming communities were different from European societies because among Indians
Marriage ties were weak, and women controlled their own bodies.

The tribes east of the Mississippi engaged in what is called Forest Efficiency and did all of the following EXCEPT
Identify with nature so that they preserved the forests untouched.

The Folsom culture
Refers to a new style of tool dating from about 10,000 years ago.

The development of farming among Indian peoples
Increased specialization and promoted a more settled, complex society.

The Iroquois Confederacy was formed primarily to
Replace revenge killings with payment among the member nations.

The map of Indian Groups in the Areas of First Contact show Southwestern Indian settlements in all of the following places EXCEPT

The temple mound at Cahokia was a public structure designed to awe the many and empower the priests and governors as was done in
Ancient Egypt and Greece.

After the end of the Ice Age all of the following occurred EXCEPT
Hunters were wasteful since they had no way to preserve the meat from the mass killing of prey.

The Indian peoples of the cultural area known as the Southwest
Lived as farmers in pueblos or on dispersed rancherias.

The map of the possible migration routes shows that the probable main land route south was
Through pathways along glaciers.

All of the following are true of the Indians of the cultural regions of California and the Pacific Northwest EXCEPT
They rejected hunting and gathering as a basis of their culture.

The development of farming gradually led to all of the following EXCEPT
More stable, less violent societies.

The Algonquian-speaking peoples included
The Chippewas.

Cahokia provides evidence that before AD 1300, North America was a continent of
A variety of community types

The Indian peoples of the eastern woodlands
Lived mostly in permanent communities.

One of the primary characteristics of the Indian peoples in the South was that they
Were matrilineal and gave women substantial power in village life.

When the Europeans arrived in the Americas, they found
People of many distinct cultures that had used and altered the land in different ways.

Indian people used knowledge of plant reproduction in different ways as shown by all of the following EXCEPT
The desert gatherers, who improved the variety and nutrition of their diet by farming.

All of the following were true of the Natchez EXCEPT
They had an egalitarian society that emphasized sharing.

The Great Serpent Mound in southern Ohio shows
A high degree of social organization in the Mississippian culture.

The map of the pre-European population of North America shows that the greatest density existed
Along the coasts.

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