Friday, November 15, 2019

Grant and Sherman, to convince the South to surrender and not choose war again, decided to conduct the war so as to affect civilians directly

Grant and Sherman, to convince the South to surrender and not choose war again, decided to conduct the war so as to affect civilians directly, what came to be known as
Total War

The Civil War began on April 12, 1861, with the Confederate attack on the Union fortress in Charleston harbor,
Fort Sumter.

In March 1864, Lincoln named as general-in-chief of all Union forces
Ulysses S. Grant

The New York City Draft Riots
Reflected the frustrations created by urban conditions and the gap between rich and poor.

On July 4, 1863, Grant and the Union forces took

Southerners enlisted eagerly for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
They saw the war as a chance to reform the country.

The rising military leader for the Union in the western theater of the Civil War in 1862-63 was
Ulysses S. Grant

The high number of casualties in the Civil War led to
Nursing changing from a disreputable activity to suitable for middle-class women.

Lincoln's declaration that freed the slaves in the areas still in rebellion on January 1, 1863, is known as the
Emancipation Proclamation

Industries that expanded during the Civil war included all of the following EXCEPT
Inexpensive shoes.

An attack on St. Albans, Vermont, by Confederate sympathizers and their subsequent release by a Canadian court led to Union threats causing the British provinces to form
Dominion of Canada

The forced march of 8000 Navajos from Arizona to Bosque Redondo in New Mexico became known as the
"Long Walk"

All of the following resulted from the Civil War in the South EXCEPT
A rise in national consciousness and cooperative efforts to fight hunger.

The war in the Trans-Mississippi West included all of the following EXCEPT
The defeat of the Confederates under Henry H. Sibley at Santa Fe in 1862.

One of the primary reasons Lee moved north into Pennsylvania for what became the Battle of Gettysburg was to
Convince Britain and France to intervene in the war.

All of the following were results of blacks serving in the Union army EXCEPT
Blacks gained self-esteem because they were immediately treated as equals by the army.

The key to Sherman's success was the victory in

The postwar world was foretold by all of the following developments EXCEPT
Manufacturers hiring blacks and immigrants as strikebreakers indicated better futures for the unskilled.

The faction within the Republican Party that wanted Lincoln to push harder and faster for the end of slavery and the reform of the South became known as the
Radical Republicans

The leader of the Peace Democrats in the North was
Clement Vallandigham

"Mother" Bickerdyke played a major role in the Civil War in all of the following ways EXCEPT
She obtained a commission and outranked most generals

Britain did not intervene in the Civil War to preserve its cotton supply as the South expected for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
British Conservatives wanted the North to win to prove democracy works.

The Confederacy's self-imposed difficulties included all of the following EXCEPT
Its emphasis on the states undermined morale in the army.

The map of the major battles in the Interior in 1862-63 shows that 
Farragut took the lower Mississippi after Grant survived Shiloh.

The South's actual advantages in the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT
A belief that Britain would be forced to intervene for cotton.

Which paramilitary group sacked and burned Lawrence, Kansas?
William Quantrill's Raiders

All of the following are true of the North's effort to gain control of the Mississippi River EXCEPT
It had almost nothing to do with the Mississippi River itself.

What percentage of men called to serve in the Union armed forces who actually did serve
7 percent.

Which of the following helped inspire a systematic United States government program to deal with the health problems of a mass army?
Mary Ann Bickerdyk

The correct chronological order of the following events is
Morrill Tariff Act, Battle of Antietam, New York City Draft Riots, Fort Pillow massacre.

Grant, as general in chief, followed a policy of total war in all of the following ways EXCEPT
He allowed the burning of Vicksburg.

The working class looting of stores and lynching of blacks that occurred in New York City between July 13 and July 16, 1863 became known as the New York City
Draft Riots

Social tensions in the South during the Civil War
Deteriorated because runaway inflation raised prices significantly.

The paper bank notes issued by the federal government under the Legal Tender Act of February 1862 became known as

Which of the following was the Union commander at the Battle of Chancellorsville
Joseph Hooker

Controversial actions Lincoln thought were justified by military necessity included all of the following EXCEPT
The declaration of martial law after First Bull Run.

The piece of mechanized farm equipment for harvesting grains for which demand increased substantially during the Civil War was the
McCormick reaper

Which of the following states seceded during the first wave of secession?

Pickett's Charge is an example of
Problems with the Jomini Doctrine

Social tensions rose in the North during the Civil War for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
The vast majority of those drafted served in the army while a few profited.

Lincoln felt secure enough in the military situation and the course of the war to issue the Emancipation Proclamation as a result of the Battle of

The vice president of the Confederacy, leader of the anti-Davis faction, and a supporter of a negotiated peace was
Alexander Stephens

The North's advantages in the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT
Shorter supply lines.

Which of the following best describes Lincoln's feelings toward General Meade in the aftermath of Gettysburg?
He was frustrated that Meade did not pursue and utterly crush the Confederate army

The Republicans did all of the following during the Civil War EXCEPT
Keep the budget balanced and maintain fiscal responsibility.

All of the following resulted from hostilities during the Civil War EXCEPT
The division of the Choctaw into feuding bands.

As the Civil War progressed, the Confederacy faced all of the following EXCEPT
More unity in the government supporting Jefferson Davis.

The similarities between North and South at the beginning of the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT
They were basically equal in terms of population and military capacity.

The document that freed all of the slaves in the United States was the
Thirteenth Amendment.

Which battle ended in mass panic as the Union forces and northern sightseers fled to Washington after Confederate forces routed Union troops?
First Bull Run

The border states' decision was important for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
It allowed the Confederacy to move its capital to Richmond.

Most soldiers who died in the Civil War died because of

The victory of Mexican forces over the invading French in 1862 is celebrated as a Mexican national holiday known as
El Cinco de Mayo

The South's plan in 1861 to force Britain and France to recognize the Confederacy by withholding cotton from the market was known as
Cotton diplomacy

Grant's strategy of engaging the enemy and pressing forward was made possible in the final analysis by
The greater population of the North.

The map of the major battles in the East in 1861-61 shows that
McClellan lost the Seven Days but won at Antietam.

The Democrats in the North who opposed the war, the draft, emancipation, and other acts by Lincoln were called Peace Democrats or

Other than winning the war, what was the primary goal of the Republicans in Congress during the Civil War?
Have the federal government promote economic development of the nation.

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