Friday, November 15, 2019

Before instituting a new health benefit program for its employees, one Big Ten University offered all its employees in the Liberal Arts and Engineering Schools

Marcus wants to thoroughly understand the issues that created the severe economic straits General Motors currently finds itself experiencing. He should consider what kind of a research study?
a. A case study.
b. A survey.
c. A field study.
d. A laboratory study.
(a) Medium/Application

Before instituting a new health benefit program for its employees, one Big Ten University offered all its employees in the Liberal Arts and Engineering Schools an opportunity to participate in a Wellness Program that focused on walking to enhance employee health and cut down on those employees using health benefits. Those liberal arts employees agreeing to participate would receive a $25 gift card to Best Buy. Those in the engineering department were not offered the gift card for signing up.

80. The scenario described above represents which type of research study?
a. A case study.
b. A survey.
c. An experimental field study.
d. A laboratory study.
(c) Medium/Application

81. In the scenario described above, the liberal arts school employees are
a. the treatment group.
b. the control group.
c. the survey group.
d. the case group.
(a) Medium/Application

82. The engineering school employees, described in the scenario above, could be labeled the
a. control group.
b. treatment group.
c. case group.
d. survey group.
(a) Medium/Application

83. Meta-analysis is
a. a study with a group that receives a treatment and a comparison group that receives no treatment.
b. a study conducted in an actual organization.
c. the process of summarizing research findings from studies on related topics.
d. an in-depth analysis of a single industry or company.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

84. Validity is
a. an entity that can take on different values.
b. the consistency in measurement.
c. the strength of the relationship between two variables.
d. the truth of a measurement.
(d) Easy/Knowledge

85. Natalia administered the test to the job candidate three different times. She is looking at the scores and sees that they are 85, 87 and 85 out of 100. She notes that the scores are fairly consistent or
a. valid.
b. reliable.
c. strong.
d. relevant.
(b) Medium/Application

86. In analyzing the data, the researcher notes that as employee absences increase, scores on performance evaluations decrease. This suggests
a. there is a correlation between employee absenteeism and employee performance.
b. employee absence causes poor performance.
c. employee absence is a reliable measure.
d. employee performance is a valid measure.
(a) Difficult/Application

87. Datum is
a. multiple observations.
b. the consistency of a measure.
c. the truth of a measure.
d. a single observation.
(d) Easy/Knowledge

88. The likelihood that findings in a given study would be found in another setting or study is
a. reliability.
b. validity.
c. meta-analysis.
d. generalizability.
(d) Easy/Knowledge

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