Friday, November 15, 2019

All of the following were characteristics of West Africans' societies and influenced their lives in the Americas EXCEPT

All of the following were characteristics of West Africans' societies and influenced their lives in the Americas EXCEPT
They had political systems that rarely went beyond tribal chiefdoms.

The mercantilist controls on the colonial economy did all of the following EXCEPT
Disrupt the colonists' primary trading routes.

The mercantilists sought to acquire gold and silver by all of the following methods EXCEPT
Free trade.

All of the following are true of the Atlantic slave trade EXCEPT
The largest proportion of the Africans went to North America.

All of the following were slave revolts EXCEPT
The Maroon uprising of 1699.

Family and community life among slaves
Was built partly by using titles such as "uncle" and "auntie" for unrelated older blacks.

All of the following were characteristics of West Africans' societies and influenced their lives in the Americas EXCEPT
Indicates how authorities often were unable to enforce rules on the colonies.

Slavery in the Spanish colonies
Was criticized by the church and the crown but continued.

The Stono Rebellion of 1739 began in
South Carolina.

Usually occurred as a result of warfare among Africans.

African Americans became Christians in large numbers
Only after the Great Awakening swept the South.

Slave revolts in North America
Were more rare than elsewhere.

Slavery in the northern colonies
Was generally seen as normal and acceptable and was widespread in port cities.

The extreme conditions suffered on the Middle Passage
Were a product of the desire for profits by the traders.

Prior to the Atlantic slave trade, there were active slave trade routes to Europe along all of the following routes EXCEPT
From the Middle East to the Mediterranean.

The Europeans imported African slaves especially
To work on sugar plantations, at first in the Mediterranean and then in the Americas.

Signs of how whites came to share black cultural attributes include all of the following EXCEPT
The use of African names for white children.

The Anglo-French wars for empire before 1750
Were fought over slaves in the southern colonies and Indians in the northern.

The correct chronological order of the following events is
Virginia makes slavery hereditary, Spain makes Florida a slave refuge, Virginia establishes Slave Code, Georgia officially opened to slavery.

Slaves most often ran away and revolted because
Slavery was a brutal system, and they wanted freedom as human beings.

The Quakers' protests against slavery became widespread and effective
In the 1770s with the Revolution from Britain.

The map of the percentage of Africans in the population shows that those colonies with the largest percent of Africans were
Hispaniola and Jamaica.

The conditions favoring slave revolts included all of the following EXCEPT
A chance to develop a sense of community and shared oppression.

The society which grew up with slavery in the South
Was one of great wealth for a few and landless poverty for about 40 percent.

For the colonists, the mercantilist regulations
Brought benefits and, in general, were a profitable arrangement.

The correct chronological order of the Anglo-French wars for empire is
King William's War, Queen Anne's War, War of Jenkins' Ear, King George's War.

Enumerated goods included

The benefits of the mercantilist system for the colonists included all of the following EXCEPT
The trade of food stuffs for sugar in Spanish, French, and Dutch colonies.

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